The experience between undergrad and grad school can be considered challenging, well at least for me this seems to be so. In preparing for grad school, I’ve had to study for the GRE, identify schools to attend, prepare a list of recommendations, make decisions about funding for grad school, and then finally the ultimate decision—deciding which grad school to attend. I have made a decision about studying habits/procedures, which included: setting a specific time and location to study, maintaining my commitment to study no matter how I feel, and making a study plan, that includes what to study. I have also narrowed down my list of colleges, to about five schools. I have also researched the school programs to see which schools offer a program that suits my needs. Although, I’m still in the process of completing applications, receiving recommendations, and

deciding on funding, I would not consider these things the most challenging.

The most challenging factors of preparing for grad school would be the outside factors, such as: daily life situations, work life, etc. I am referring to daily life situations, such as maintaining daily living while in the real World, but also remembering the goal—to get into grad school. Often times the stress from maintaining daily life, which for me includes; family, work, and leisure activities, seem to distract at times from the goal of attending grad school. I would say that I’ve had to get back on track and think beyond the distractions. I learned to keep my day organized for each situation I have to deal with, while maintaining time for the things that matter to me the most.

Attending the Fish Out of Water Career Academy has helped me refine my short and long term goals.  My goals include preparing and taking the GRE to attend grad school for school counseling as well as finding a local program that fit my needs. My long term goal is to gain my Doctoral degree in Clinical/ Counseling Psychology or I/DD Psychology.